Mar 7, 2014

The biggest fear about an unconditional basic income

Swiss basic income
The biggest fear about an unconditional basic income is:
Am I going to be taxed more?

A survey from Hungary reports that "78 percent of the 1,000-member random sample canvassed on Jan. 15-16 said the Hungarian economy would be unable to afford the scheme."

In other words, they are afraid they will be taxed more.

"And 89 percent of respondents said people should work for their income."

This is another expression of the same fear. Am I going to be taxed more to support those lazy bums?.

Any serious proposal for an unconditional basic income should give a full financial analysis of where the money is coming from. Answering the most serious question about unconditional basic income is important to gain voter support.

Telling people they have to pay more tax is definitely not the right solution.

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