Jul 14, 2014

Real socialism must have citizen dividend

"After all the suffering, people finally understand that real socialism will distribute the national-wealth income to all people. "

In recent years, China has produced quite a number of very interesting writings about citizen ownership and citizen dividend. One China city, Sanya, has even implemented an unconditional basic income for five years. The following writing by a university professor is one example, about socialism, citizen dividend and the relationship between the people and the authorities.

真正的社会主义必定全民分红_曾飞的博客_天涯博客: by 曾飞教授 2011-04-21

It is a very interesting article. Here are a few translated paragraphs.
It is hard to distinguish real and fake socialism. Workers have repeatedly been deceived by fake socialism, and undergone a lot of unnecessary suffering. After all the suffering, people finally understand that real socialism will distribute the national-wealth income to all people (including civil servants). The so-called national wealth includes not only public capital, but also land resources (land, minerals, forests, scenic areas, water resources, marine resources, etc.).
The income from the operation of national wealth cannot fall directly into the government pockets, but must be distributed as dividend to every person in the country, while the rest is used for continued investment. This not only upholds the people's rights to the common property. It is the most crucial measure to prevent the authorities morphing from being the servants of society to being the masters of society.
It is only by distributing the national wealth income to all people, that the economic rights of citizens will be guaranteed, that the distribution will be fair, and society can avoid polarization.
In short, Communists and all workers must unite to recapture the national-wealth income dividend rights that originally belonged to us!
Some people have expressed a fear that an unconditional basic income or a citizen dividend will lead to more government control over the people. The view here is the reverse. By making it universal to everyone, the authorities have no control over this. For example, the Alaska Permanent Fund dividend is handled separately from the government. 

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