Jan 1, 2013

Share the World's Resources

This is from Share the World's Resources.

Why Poverty? Because We Do Not Share Resources.

‘Sharing of resources is very important'
The doctor says: "It's every woman's right to have a safe delivery. You do know that if a mother has children and she dies, 50 percent of those children who she has given birth to will also ultimately die. We as Doctors Without borders, we don't get into politics. But sharing of resources is very important, isn't it. Sierra Leone is not a poor country - it has a lot of diamonds, it has iron. If you saw the [data] which was produced here before, it said ‘land of iron and diamonds'. But is this wealth going to the people? These are questions you have to answer, and the politicians have to answer. I am a simple doctor."

There can never be an end to poverty until the world's resources are more equally shared. As STWR writes in a campaigners booklet: "At this critical juncture in human history, only a united global public can pressure governments to reorder their distorted priorities, cooperate more effectively, and share the resources of the world more equitably. A crucial first step is for governments to implement an international program of emergency assistance to eliminate hunger and unnecessary deprivation, followed by a longer-term transformation of the global economy in order to secure an adequate standard of living for all within ecological limits.

The call to share resources applies to individual countries and across countries. For individual countries, one way is to recognize citizen ownership rights to the common wealth of a country, and to distribute the citizen-ownership income to every citizen. This is sharing and also justice in returning rightful income to citizens. As shown before, the estimated citizen-ownership income for Singaporeans is high enough to eradicate poverty in Singapore.

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