Feb 4, 2014

Hoarding food, houses and money

How do people see hoarding?
When food runs low, yet some squirrel it away hoping to profit as others starve, we call that hoarding, and demand action. Hoarders rank high among history's villains. They're the cursed souls relegated by Dante to the fourth circle of Hell, rolling a heavy weight for all eternity. The merchants who deepened the Bengal famine by amassing grain in their godowns. Even now, food hoarders are first to be frogmarched off to jail by panicky governments in poor, hunger-struck countries.
So why do we tolerate the hoarding of houses? This weekend, the Guardian detailed how one of the priciest streets in Britain, The Bishops Avenue in north London, has become a stockpile of unused mansions worth around £350m.
From: How to tackle the hoarding of houses in 'Billionaires Row'
Hoarding of food is evil. How can someone hoard food while others starve to death? So, "food hoarders are first to be frogmarched off to jail."

Hoarding of houses is not acceptable? The above Guardian post says people should be taxed extra hard for hoarding houses.

How about hoarding of money? How can someone hoard money while others are penniless and starving to death? How can 85 persons hoard wealth equal to half the world? Should people be taxed extra hard for hoarding money? Countries should start taxing wealth (not just income) above, say, $1 billion.

And, of course, this applies to governments, states, nations, countries, whatever term you called this entity, who hoard huge sovereign wealth funds and resources wealth while citizens are suffering in poverty.

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