Jul 25, 2013

Face it. There won't be enough good jobs.

Face it. There won't be enough good jobs. The more jobs we create, the lower the pay. 

“Work” and jobs are not the answer to ending poverty. This has been the hardest concept for us to understand. It’s the hardest concept to sell to citizens and policymakers. To end poverty and to achieve true economic freedom, we need to break the link between work and income.
There is no evidence to back up the claim that we can create jobs for everyone who wants one. To rely on jobs and economic growth does not work. We have to get rid of the myth that “welfare-to-work” will solve the problems of unemployment, poverty, and homelessness.
We also have to get rid of the myth that retraining and retraining will result in good employment and the elimination of poverty. When there are not enough jobs available, retraining and retraining only help the trainers.

Jobs is not the way to eliminate poverty. So what is?

(Allan Sheahen is the author of the new book, “Basic Income Guarantee: Your Right to Economic Security”)

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