Dec 26, 2014

Newsweek. How to Fix Poverty: Write Every Family a Basic Income Check

How to Fix Poverty: Write Every Family a Basic Income Check: How to Fix Poverty: Write Every Family a Basic Income Check

Here are a few lines from the above.
In 2012, the federal government spent
$94 billion on unemployment.
Additionally, federal and state governments together spent
$1 trillion on welfare of the food stamp variety.

Adding those costs together, that's $1.88 trillion.

There are 115,227,000 households in the U.S.

Split $1.88 trillion among all these households and each one gets $16,315.62.

In other words, if you turned the welfare system into a
$15,000 basic income payment, you’d end up 
saving over $150 billion (or $1,315.62 per American household).
"In the United States—as in all of the world’s wealthier nations—ending poverty is not a matter of resources."
Poverty exists, because of lack of political will and because of citizen miseducation.

Start demanding your share of your country's wealth.

Because you own it.

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